Thursday, January 17, 2013

Limbs of Light, 1/17/13

I'm thinking a lot about what tactile experience I want to create, both for me as the artist in making this book, and for the audience in how they experience the book.

I want to make something very physical in all ways, and right now I'm looking at the human form and creating a free standing human sculpture. I want to allow for space inside, and for the form to be open to tactile experience. I'm fascinated right now with bones as hollow, as are birds', and how much sticks and wood and branches resemble their hollow bones to me.
Or how a tree is living and breathing and growing as is a human being.
I would like to find a form in nature that could be sculpted to the human form, but the branching structure is often difficult to work with in that kind of detail- perhaps a bush would be a good idea, with all its branches I could cut at various lengths and create a human being in that way?
Or, I could construct one out of found branches, today I used modeling clay as joint connection for sticks and branches, and I could create a sculpture in this way. Even using cement, or some kind of natural cement from very sticky muds I find by the river or something- basically unrefined clay. I would like to stick to the organic and found sources as much as possible.
*I want to create nests inside of this form, and inside of this place objects, scraps of paper, that relate to specific moments and have a sacred or gravitational significance to me in my experience. I will write this book by choosing and placing these objects.
It may be located outdoors, next to real trees, as a way of inviting people to feel the writing and the sacred not only in a designated 'book' or 'piece of art' but also in everything- in the bark of trees, in their leaves, in the natural and manmade world that surrounds them everywhere. Or/ and I might make a living piece such as a bush sculpture which can be moveable and placed into an indoor realm, such as through planting into a large planting pot.

So many many options! But I am still very much moving forward with these ideas of joints, of limbs, of space between and living and growing and connecting, of nests, of hollow bones and showing the space within through tactile experience.

Walt Whitman quote of the day, from 'Song of Myself'"

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world. 

hollow bones


modeling clay joints

chinks of light

limbs of light

tent structure, with me inside

peering through a hollow tree nob
This is beautiful- I might like to create the sculpture from a living red dogwood bush.

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