Friday, February 22, 2013

Book Sculpture

I made a sculpture once, of a dancer— it was full-sized and I made it from a frame of welded iron rods, with paper packed with flour glue around the frame to build out the form. I loved this visceral additive and subtractive process. I basically made a vast amount of flour glue at home, and used this, and felt so resourceful, and the piece was so substantial and beautifully tangible-- i loved it all.

this process is what I am thinking of using with my books- with so many pages, it would be the perfect medium, because the form would have all of the context and meaning of those pages packed into it, and since I am really obsessed with the human form and constructing in a lifesize fashion, I'm thinking of extending this process into this domain, and using these books to make a waist-up human sculpture. I want to focus on this part of the body so that there is less focus on the free-standing support, and more on this upper part of the body because I am thinking a lot about specifically the ribcage, and the spine, and shoulders, collarbone, the face... I am thinking of the space inside, the substantiality, the spine as reticulation and flexibility, the substance of a human being both tangible and invisible, the ephemeral, the meaning of words, just as visible both and invisible, and vast, thinking of the translucency of paper pressed against a wet surface, and possibilities for interrelation... and MAN i am so excited about all that is coming here.

seriously. wow.

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